Weil sie eine Frau war

"Because she was a woman"

This is a data visualization project that I developed in Linz, Austria. I analyzed and visualized statistics from Austrian autonomous women's shelters (AÖF) to highlight the alarming rates of gender-based violence and femicides. I also designed the typography, which was inspired by the graphs I created for this project.


For over fifty years, the University of Art and Design Linz has shaped and witnessed the evolving story of the city. Students from the Visual Communication department explored the connections between past, present, and future in their surroundings and created an situational exhibition called Radical Times. Historical events were made tangible, and data about the university and Linz was visualized scenographically. Collaborating with the New York artist duo Data Vandals, students engaged with Linz residents to envision the city’s future, underscoring the university’s deep connection to the city. In my contribution, I analyzed data from women's shelters and created an installation that reveals how many women in Austria fall victim to femicide each year.

Weil sie eine Frau war


I had the opportunity to present my work again as part of the exhibition BACK\SLASH. However, I expanded the installation to address a critical issue: the statistics I visualized follow a binary gender system, which overlooks the murders of transgender individuals. To address this, I created an interactive poster where visitors could symbolically represent their experiences with patriarchal violence throughout the exhibition. This allowed a unique, evolving statistic to emerge, reflecting the experiences of those who attended.

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