
„Patriarchat mit Todesfolge“ is a publication/installation that examines gender-based violence, its origins, and its effects. It comprises twelve chapters, each on a separate sheet, forming a newspaper-like collection. This newspaper can be installed in public spaces (or within exhibition contexts) where it is readable from a distance and serves as an attempt to politicize public space.

Publication: 40 x 57.4cm


The individual sheets are mounted on twelve wooden panels which can each be rotated independently. From a distance, they collectively display the title „Patriarchat mit Todesfolge.“ When the individual panels are turned around, the reverse side provides a glossary, diving deeper into the base of the research. This installation thus becomes an interactive newspaper that can be read by multiple people simultaneously.

Installation: 230 x 120cm


In July 2024, I had the opportunity to exhibit my work in the pedestrian zone of Bremen in the UMZU. The location allowed me to engage in conversations with many people, some of whom had never encountered the subject matter before. On the other hand, I also spoke with individuals affected by domestic violence, as well as their relatives.

Workshop - Breaking the Grid

In addition to my installation, I organized and curated lectures, performances, and mini-exhibitions in the space, all centered around the theme of patriarchal violence and femicides. Moreover, I co-hosted a workshop with Leonie Lindl titled “Breaking the Grid,” which focused on breaking free from rigid thought patterns and embracing anger. Visually, we provided the workshop participants with various materials to create interesting structures, which they then connected with a textual layer. This workshop also led to the creation of a small publication—a supplementary booklet to my work.

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